Donations to my open source work can be sent here. Please be sure to send a message with your donation if you prefer to have it go to a specific project’s development, or if you are sending a direct blockchain transaction (in case my tracking bots are offline, so I am alerted that you have sent it). Thank you very much for your support! 🙂
For Paypal, go to https://www.paypal.me/dragonfrugal and enter your Paypal amount there.
2. With Crypto:
You can send a donation / payment directly through a crypto network below if you prefer, as long as you take full responsibility for confirmation that you are sending the correct amount(s) to the correct address. You can send a small test amount before sending any full amount, and contact DragonFrugal.com before sending any more.
Bitcoin (BTC): 3Nw6cvSgnLEFmQ1V4e8RSBG23G7pDjF3hW
Ethereum (ETH): 0x644343e8D0A4cF33eee3E54fE5d5B8BFD0285EF8
Solana (SOL): GvX4AU4V9atTBof9dT9oBnLPmPiz3mhoXBdqcxyRuQnU
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